Selasa, 25 Desember 2018

For the rain


The tears drop
Between the eyes
The water falls
Between the caves

Craving, missing and confusing

For the rain, the one way to make the prayer listened.
For the rain, where all we want are blessed.

I hope...

In my 2019 there will be a delighted year.
To sharpen my knowledge,
To continue my college.
To make a job
To get occupied.
To have a person in person to all my life
To be grateful with what I have.
To have a house with a home
To have new gadgets while they're broken :')
To be a kind influencer,
To be a romantic lover.
To be the part of generous
To be still gorgeous
To be confident with myself
To be loved with all I have.
To be nice but still steady
To be brave to get rejected or to be rejecting.
To be graciously
To go abroad (get visa and paspor)
To deal with emotion.
To dare to dream.
To catch what I want,
To negotiate people.
To be my best version of myself.

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