Kamis, 29 November 2018

Jar of heart


Hi, Jar! I’m not a sweet sugar cane or a candy type, but I wanna say what I want to say by the way I do.
Thanks for being a good listener, a cool friend to discuss, a good partner to play stacko (I won! Or… you gave me a chance to win at that time? :p) , a good teacher to explain, a clever scientist by your mind, and a nice film reviewer.
Thanks for coming into my life, knowing you inside just like remind me about my father who is not staying in Semarang. You both have veryyyy similar character, so I can deal with ya’ all! Boom :p.
Thanks for your present to make this rainbow have a very long journey; to give me color, to know more about people and to understand about this quite rare type. Knowing you is like entering the library, opening the Wikipedia and accessing a Google (and my heart, eh?! :3). A mindfulness of everything just can make me only open my mouth when I was listening to your theory. “How could be?” turn into; “how could you absorb it as well :’)” wkwk. I like when you’re smiling even I can’t believe you can make that line. You’re as sweet as hell. Damn!
The way you give me attention, advice, caring, and the –damn way you stare at me- are the things I could feel about. Maybe we’ve very different love language, but I just can feel how the way you do. It’s hilarious to understand you, even maybe it haven’t enough yet. Syalallaaa…

I lost my word. I am still into you.

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